What Ghosting Says About You (P.S. It’s Not Good)
Ghosting is a convenient non-action now that removes you from future opportunities.

Language Is The Start to Operationalize Inclusion
Language and behavior make up the fabric of a work culture. These are the words and actions that leadership allows, encourages, propagates, and mandates for its people and practices. Bottomline, the more inclusive your language, the more equitable your behaviors and procedures can be, and the more diverse your organization can and will be. If you want an inclusive organization, start with the language that you use.

Predictability Drives Clarity
Positive Predictability Drives the Clarity People Need to Be Productive

Create White Space: Let Some Air Out of Your Tires
You won’t get there as fast, but you’ll travel the distance better.

Building a Collaborative Process At Work
Take the time to solicit input. Listen. Weigh. Listen some more. Consider. Implement what you can. Be open to being improved upon.